Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Holiday gift

Hello dear readers,

Do you know what to gift this holiday season?

This time is a small blog only to remind you that you can give a great give to the ones you love. Try making a gift by yourself.

I decided to give this replica of an artwork  from an artist called Niko, I liked the colors and the shapes; the person that I giftinging it to liked it very much and will match his art collection.


Monday, December 8, 2014

Life lesson

What have I learned from a young entrepreneur? 

Two days ago I woke up to a beautiful day after it had snowed overnight. According to me, it is better to clean the snow right after it snowed because you avoid compacting it while walking and later on it becomes hard to shovel.

After having our breakfast, my girlfriend and me were getting ready to leave and start running our errands; it was around 10 in the morning when I heard that someone was knocking at the door; which was uncommon because we just move to the neighbourhood and we don't know a lot of people in the area.

What to expect when you open the door? maybe a salesperson, a religious group, the neighbours next door; maybe we were disturbing their Saturday morning dreams; most likely the postman... nope! they don't work on weekends.

It was a young gentleman, around 12 years of age and speaking a fast French; at first I thought he said that he wanted me to lend him my shovel which was right outside the door; but at the same time I made out that he said "trois dollars". I wasn't sure what he meant to be honest the in any case he seemed determined and you cannot say no to a determined young gentleman. 

Then he started cleaning my pathway and the stairs... Finally I understood that he was cleaning the snow for three dollars.

I found him very courageous and a great worker, first thing I said to my girlfriend is that this young gentleman will be rich one day. Think about it, he knows that he needs money and he is not afraid to go out asking people if they need help, making some capital in the process.

When I was young the shyness was bigger than my needs, I wouldn't do things or ask people for thing unless I absolutely had to. This has the courage that I was lacking when I was a kid.

So there it is the life lesson dear readers, no matter how young or old we are, shyness is only a wall we build in our mind to feel save on our side, on our comfortable zone. I learnt this with years the years and this young entrepreneur reminded me that.